This diet is from Prevention Magazine and is sold for $32 plus shipping and handling. This book is published by Rodale Publishing the parent of the magazine. The magazine has a strong stance on dieting an pushes exercise and responsible eating in it programs. This diet is a good example of packaging a diet so that more people will use it.
This diet is designed to be something for everyone. It allows you to eat any food you like as long is it in the correct amount. You will need to be able read and understand labels, and that is not as easy as it may seem. You will also need to be able to adjust your portions and be ready to set your day up for four meals. This diet is based on four meals a day at 400 calories each meal. As you start planning your meals you will start to realize that a cup of vanilla ice cream, which has around 290 calories, you are not left with many choices for the last 110 calories. If you choose a ice cream with a flavor you can see where 400 calories does not go very far. Also one cup of ice cream no matter what flavor is not much to base a diet on and when you start breaking down your meals you will understand that 400 calories is not much. The book and the website do give you a large variety of meal plans that will work for this diet but without some behavioral modification will make this diet hard to stay with.
In this diet you will learn the calorie values of salads and vegetables and foods. You will need to be able to expand your view and what you eat especially if you have been a big eater. This diet like most you will need to plan your meals. You will need to take the time to start shopping with calories in mind.
This diet does nothing for goal setting or how you should attain your goals. The diets that Prevention Magazine usually promote are strong in exercise. This is their diet and they just mention that exercise is necessary but there is no detailed plan. Their website has a detailed exercise program that can be put in place for this diet. But for $32 you only get what sells and what is glamorous.
This diet is sold on the premise that you can eat anything you want and there is no forbidden foods. Some of the biggest drawbacks is the counting of calories and having to be able to read the confusing labels. This becomes real important as the labels can be very confusing. This diet will also promote eating fast food as you can find out what the calorie levels are and adjust your eating. Unfortunately most fast foods are fast foods because of the empty calories that they have. The diet call for 1600 calories but you may find out that by following the diet to the letter you may have to cut the calories back to 1200. This is because most people will not take the time to start a exercise program and this will make the diet extremely hard to be successful.
This diet is a new twist on a low cal diet. There are many diets out their that have been packaged a little differently but are basically the same. This diet is a low cal diet and will be a good diet if you use it in conjunction with a exercise plan. The diet does nothing for behavioral modification and does nothing in teaching you about goal setting which are two very major components of any diet. You can use this diet but you will need to be very strict with what you do. You will need to learn skills that you probably have not bothered with so far. The diet is flexible in what you can eat and when but the 400 calorie a meal with little or know exercise, goal setting, or a complete understanding in what it takes to change the years of bad habits.
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