Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Why do weight loss programs fail

You may have started many weight loss programs. Most weight loss programs fail miserably. You may have succeed in some weight loss plans at first. However, you regain the lost weight subsequently.

Sometimes, weight loss plans succeed to a certain extend. You may want to lose 20 pounds. However, you manage to lose only five pounds.

The worst result is that you gain weight, instead of losing weight.

Why do weight loss programs fail?

1. Underestimation

Do you know what is your daily calories intake? Do you know what is the calories burnt for walking? Do you know how many calories you shed off for running for half an hour?

If you do not know the answer to all these questions, you will make the mistake of underestimate the calories for food, and overestimate the calories burnt for activities.

The mistake is often in the calculation of calories for drinks and snacks. Do you know that a cup of coffee with sugar and milk contains more than 100 calories? Do you know that you need to walk 20 minutes just to use up the calories from that cup of coffee?
If that is the case, what about the can of coke? What about the glass of red wine?

2. Fail to plan long-term

Most people are impatient. They forget that weight gain is not an overnight affair. They may take five years of continuous eating, and sedentary lifestyle to put on 30 pounds. Yet they expect to shed off the 30 pounds within a few months.

A successful weight loss plan requires your long-term commitment. You must at least have a 3 years commitment for weight loss plan to succeed permanently.

3. Portion of food

We love to use big plate for food. We love to drink a big cup of coffee.

When you use a big plate, you will not think that you are eating a lot of food. After all, there seems to have empty space in the plate. You will consume all the food. You may eat enough calories for daily bodily function in one meal. The excess calories from all the other meals will make you overweight.

4. Addicted to sugar

When you think of addiction, you may think of drug addiction, and other addiction. You may not think of sugar addiction. However, sugar addiction is real. You may make excuse when they desire that cake, doughnut, chocolate, ice-cream and other products with high sugar content.

5. Choose the wrong plan

Many weight loss plans simply do not work. When the weight loss programs are faulty, you will not lose weight regardless of how faithful you follow the instructions.

Many plans that promise you to lose weight fast are fads. They are harmful to the body.

6. Hate dieting and gym

When you forbid anyone to eat certain food, the forbidden food become so desirable. Forbidden food always seems to taste better. You do not enjoy dieting. You want the freedom to eat whatever you like at whenever you want.

Most of us do not enjoy going to the gym either. It seems such a torture to work on the stupid gym equipments.

When you hate the idea of keeping off certain food, and you hate the idea of working out, you are not likely to lose weight permanently.

Resource: Why Weight Loss Plans Fail

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1 comment:

  1. Plans Weight Loss , Lose Weight. Methods, I think exercise is a must.
